
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “ Lima A” ,找到相关结果约564179条。
Emission of Air Pollution in the Transport Sector: Case Study of the City of Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil  [PDF]
Marcenilda A. Lima, Marcelo S. Sthel
Engineering (ENG) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/eng.2020.1212060
Abstract: The transportation sector is certainly one of the main agent’s principals and has contributed to the increase in global air pollution. In Brazil, the large-scale use of diesel for charge and passenger transport produces considerable air pollution in cities. The objectives of the study were to determine the concentrations of gas emissions (CO, NO and NO2), identify the chemical species that make up the particulates, from the exhaust of diesel vehicles and identify chemical species of particulates accumulated in air conditioning filters realized in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes located in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Thus, for the determination of the gas concentrations, electrochemical sensors were used and in the identification of chemical species, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy was used. The results showed CO concentrations in the range of 173 to 880 ppmv, of NO in the range 52 to 240 ppmv and NO2 in the range 6 to 252 ppmv in the vehicles exhaust, and chemical species of the particulates in the exhaust identified: Ca, Si, Fe, S, Ti, P, Zn, Sc and Mn. Furthermore, Ca, Si, Fe, S, Ti, P, Zn, Mn, K, Cl, Al, Pb, V, Cu, Sr, Br and Er were in the air conditioning system. The concentration of gases and particulates is increased by the presence of a large highway that runs through the city, with one intense flow of trucks and buses, which certainly contributes to the reduction of the region’s air quality.
Anisotropic Magnetocaloric Effect and Magnetic Order in Antiferromagnetic Gd2InGe2  [PDF]
A. L. Lima Sharma, A. M. Gomes, P. A. Sharma
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics (WJCMP) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2013.34029

We investigated the transport, thermal and magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic (TN = 45 K) Gd2InGe2. Magnetization measurements under applied magnetic field, oriented along different crystallographic directions, were used to extract the anisotropic magnetocaloric effect. We also measured magnetization under pulsed field up to 45 T. From the analysis of the electrical transport and magnetization, conduction band electrons were weakly coupled to Gd f-electron local moments. Differential scanning calorimeter data confirmed a second order phase of the antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition. The anisotropic magnetocaloric effect points to a model of magnetic ordering whereby Gd local moments couple ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to the c-axis.

Sertanejos e pessoas republicanas: livres de cor em Castro e Guaratuba (1801-1835)
Lima, Carlos A. M.;
Estudos Afro-Asiáticos , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-546X2002000200005
Abstract: in the meridian areas of portuguese america there was, by the endof the 18th century, a process of mutual interest between freed slaves and white people. having a slave contingent not only small but recent, within the population of these areas there was a very high proportion of free and freed non-whites.here it will be studied patterns of where colored freemenhave settled down in castro and guaratuba (at this moment paraná). this is strategical to understand the relationship between the negroes of the hinterland and the agrarian frontier. castro and guaratuba had decisive similarities and differences when comprehending processes with bigger purposes. guaratuba was an isolated coast village while in castro there was the oldest town and it had the most intense relation with the internal market although was founded also in the late 18th century.
Alternative dark energy models: an overview
Lima, J. A. S.;
Brazilian Journal of Physics , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-97332004000200009
Abstract: a large number of recent observational data strongly suggest that we live in a flat, accelerating universe composed of ~ 1/3 of matter (baryonic + dark) and ~ 2/3 of an exotic component with large negative pressure, usually named dark energy or quintessence. the basic set of experiments includes: observations from sne ia, cmb anisotropies, large scale structure, x-ray data from galaxy clusters, age estimates of globular clusters and old high redshift galaxies (ohrg's). it is now widely believed that such results provide the remaining piece of information connecting the inflationary flatness prediction (wt = 1) with astronomical observations. from a theoretical viewpoint, they have also stimulated the current interest for more general models containing an extra component describing this unknown dark energy, and simultaneously accounting for the present accelerating stage of the universe. in this review we present a simplified picture of the main results and discuss briefly some difficulties underlying the emerging dark energy paradigm.
Escravos de peleja: a instrumentaliza??o da violência escrava na América Portuguesa (1580-1850)
Lima, Carlos A. M.;
Revista de Sociologia e Política , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-44782002000100009
Abstract: this article looks at the place that violence occupied in master/slave relations in portuguese america. beyond the slave owners' practices of punishment and slaves' recourse to rebellion, i consider the relative normality of the mobilization of slaves for hard labor for their masters as an additional mechanism that reiterated slave owners' power. i also discuss variations in this phenomenon, and its meaning for the re-evaluation of concepts related to bondage.
Les principes distributifs des mesures d’insertion des jeunes à l’épreuve du longitudinal Youth integration measures and their criteria tested by a longitudinal approach
a Lima
Temporalités , 2009,
Abstract: La sélection des bénéficiaires des mesures d’action sociale relève d’un problème éthique qui fait l’objet d’une intense activité cognitive et normative de la part d’acteurs publics outillés par l’expertise. Or, l’examen historique des principes distributifs mobilisés dans les politiques d’insertion des jeunes donne à voir la reformulation des référentiels de l’action publique dans un cadre longitudinal ainsi que ses effets sur les présupposés éthiques des politiques. Le principe de discrimination positive consistant à redistribuer les chances d’insertion en faveur des jeunes les moins formés a été énoncé au sein d’une représentation instantanéiste de l’insertion des jeunes. Il perd de sa validité avec l’institutionnalisation des trajectoires. L’éthique de l’accompagnement du parcours qui devient dominante dans les années 1990 perd de vue les inégalités entre groupes de niveau de formation au profit d’une démarche d’organisation de carrières ascendantes permises par les mesures d’action sociale disponibles. Targeting social programs is an ethical problem for administrators. Therefore, they develop an intense cognitive and normative activity with the help of experts in economics. The history of how funds are allocated in support of youth integration policies shows the longitudinal reframing of public policy and its impact on ethical principles. The principle of affirmative action consisting in redistributing offers among less qualified youth has been formulated according to a static representation of youth integration. It loses its validity with the institutionalization of individual itineraries. The ethic of pathway support that became dominant in the 1990s lost sight of the inequality between groups levels of qualification no longer appeared relevant and gave way to the organization of upwardly mobile careers made possible by the social programs at hand.
Escravos de peleja: a instrumentaliza o da violência escrava na América Portuguesa (1580-1850)
Lima Carlos A. M.
Revista de Sociologia e Política , 2002,
Abstract: Este artigo discute o lugar da violência nas rela es escravistas na América portuguesa. Para além da prática senhorial do castigo e do recurso escravo à rebeldia, atenta-se para a relativa normalidade da mobiliza o de escravos para o exercício da for a ao lado de seus senhores como mais um mecanismo de reitera o da domina o escravista. Discutem-se também as varia es pelas quais passou o fen meno, além de seu significado para a reavalia o das concep es relativas ao cativeiro.
Via Negativa as a Crossing Space: actor training and its connection with the Real
Carla Andréa Lima
Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presen?a , 2013,
Abstract: We intend to reflect on the “via negativa” linking it to the processes of construction of embodiment and subjectivity, based on concepts of body, individual and the unconscious in psychoanalytic theory, proposing understand the work on the self as a work on negative idealized as kind of presence of the Real.
Los recursos de la ficción y los usos morales de la literatura
Herrera Lima, María
Isegoría , 1995,
La ética desde el feminismo. Notas sobre la 'diferencial
Herrera Lima, María
Isegoría , 1992,

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